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Here's where you'll find resources and recommendations about everything psychology-related!


Feel free to email us with suggestions of your own!

Find our email ID at the bottom of this page. 

Getting into psychology : from a teen to a teen

Our way of pursuing our interests in psychology ranged from attending internships and workshops, starting initiatives to share knowledge, and doing loads of research to figure out where our interests truly lied.


Srinidhi, for instance learned of her interests in the field of neuroscience by working under a neuropsychologist () who introduced her to the inner and complex workings of the human brain. She had the opportunity to interact with post brain injury rehab patients which helped her draw connections to how mental health is manifested in the functioning of the brain.


Pursuing your interests, in any field for that matter essentially means you try to learn more, gain more information and understand what you eventually want to do with that learning.

Books, music and movie recommendation of the week


The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat -  Oliver Sacks


TME - CC.jpeg

The Mind, Explained (2 seasons, netflix)
An engaging series, targeting anxiety, the process of dreaming, to the way our brain's respond to drugs. 

Opportunities in Psych

Visit :

1. @uniquepsychologicalservices on instagram, for internship opportunities


2. @simplyneuroscience on instagram for internship opportunities for high school students 


3. @thesafespace555 on instagram and stay tuned for recruitment phase 3  


4. (ILM) for internships in forensic psychology (season closed)


5. to undertake a course on social psychology (Andrew Luttrel) 




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